Tag Archives: #pain

My Love, Once Before

Deep in my heart lies a pain so true,
A wound that never mends, a grief anew,
It never fades nor grants me rest,
A constant ache, that steals my best.

This shadow haunts me, day and night,
A specter of what once was in sight,
A memory that forever grieves,
A wound so deep, my heart bereaves.

A pain of loss, of love astray,
That cannot be healed, no matter how I pray,
But midst this agony, hope flickers bright,
A promise of tomorrow, a chance to make right.

Though this pain may never cease,
My heart may never find its peace,
I trust that love will find me once more,
And heal my soul, as it did before.

:: 03.03.2023 ::

Twisting Invading Hearts

s t
n g

i n
v a d i n g

hearts and
M i n d s
f o r taking
and what spirit
says about society?
the world is a word
called: MANKIND.

is love and everything.

:: 0.17.2023 ::

My Words are Gold My Intentions Whacked

AND everyday i’m cool — if i can have your attention
please: if i rest a moment near the well of despair  
wishing young heart’s clean skin like jesus postal fire
my needle: LIKE FATHER’s STEP-FATHER SUN BLOWS!  Such fear!
Yeah yeah oh fuck yeah so stuck in dark heart-break love
wail upon the heart and guitar strings : walking around
so cute grabbing screws and how i hate how Jerry Lewis laughs
when soviet union wants to destroy us (Beaver’s mom sucked
the reason I cannot walk right for a few days)
   Oh! Goldie Hawn on Laugh-In has
perky tits and Mary Tyler Moore
   abandoned her kids:  kill the
messenger carrying kool-aid to Uganda
for that sick reverend:  i love U S of A
and even the world — don’t care about that
i’m a poet who describes the world with words
     —  sure, that’s it.
sure, now in 2020’s we’re animals antelope
without stomachs but butterflies of lies
and France we saved oh wait — the whole fucking world
but your teachers are showing titties instead of teaching
how many of us lost lives so we can dip and rip and trip
and get on a mic and spit ~ so funny, when you’re forty
you’ll see how every single person is a ghost that stands up

  We’re all the real ones
     fathers and mothers
  children and creatures
 who fought to speak shady.

Come on.

:: 09-02-2015 ::

Summer Smells of Death and Rebirth

AND ponder the dried once-tender
stems of bountiful beauty
of spreading once-color by
nature’s own heart
clinging to a dream
now faded into the soil
Breasts heave and
men shudder by utter
extant fear//life
with the margin of
once-unstained white
A few deleted unspoken
parts of broken dolls
sadly laying to sleep
Spanked and put to keep
by shelves of dust
scolded hearts interrupt
: punished prisoners.

:: 06-13-2015 ::


i ATE the hatred!  WHEN I WAS AN ALIEN
i conjured familiarity!  Now, right now
there’s a  reason for the big answer:


 JUST because you are paranoid
doesn’t mean I hate you ~~ i love you
 so find another way to get away!
  Get away!  Get away!  

——————intermission cut to live…….
and so children that is how the mongoose survives
in the wild. (audience laughter)
   Inside this barricade of Love is such a thrill
 and awe all you girls we can’t take you all home
 … ============================================

   stepping outside she broke down after sacrificing
all her Life for so many years | God needs a dressing
gown?   His aid picks up a letter after untold eons.
  Sir, your baby has died. +++++> oh! how life struggles
after living so many years \\      I STAND RIGHT IN FRONT
OF YOU said the words of greatest WISDOM.  

the answer:  LET IT BE.

:: 11.08.2022 ::

Love as One

Being born into Sin
for being born human
i lose my sight
so i cannot taste lies
and left my tongue alone

Leaving my legs
so i cannot talk
denying my ears
so i cannot hear
i forgot the pin
for my plastic card

oh no, hell no,
no wine, cigs or
chocolate bars

Before today there was
nothing but a zero
tomorrow is one
lets minus stupid
and regard love as One.

Love as One.

:: 11.08.2022 ::

Fractured but Never Broken

no one promised paradise
a thing ever imagined
no sentience no matter
just energy ink well
dipped words glistening
is black on white paper
became me due to you
my born imagination
fractured but never
broken | horror living
horror dying horror
if you had seen all things
i’ve seen you’d cry
is a flower dying for water
a world of never raining
societies of not forgiving
became me_______fractured
but never broken.

:: 10.27.2022 ::

I Remember When

I REMEMBER when left was right
day was night every night every day
i fell into what ever i do: the heart
is loaded | focus on
those coming up
From Down | we tear out
their minds _ a little thing we do to Kill
boss in denial
we splatch away
to kill a little thing
to save you
is what we do. Whatever
or GhostMostly you we do
— when it comes back down
we send it up /Never come back
down … creature : how the colors and
sounds like what Alice said_

Shoot up! Shoot up! Call 911!
Whether love or hate! Let her take any
other’s place: sometimes I feel me or you |
take all t h is time to relize
i’m tired.

Whatdoyou whatdoyou whatdoyou wish
calm dowm : come down fromt his cloud.
painting? Okay.

:: 10.16.2022 ::

Cherry Blossom Heart

THE moon slid slowly from the light
to slumber in the crepuscular shroud

An illuminated universe lies
in the silver light’s glow

The mighty golden note slumbering
in a valley of undying silence

The distant crimson light’s whisper
Causing butterflies in its wake
The song of the moon played so sweet
as the golden sun faded behind

Now hear the bitter mocking warble
of the bitter hermit’s chant
and ghosts watch me leave you further behind

As the dirt drips down bedding your heavy box
the front of your funeral dress all shadowy lined
And droning iridescent crickets throb in time
within your beatless heart

Cry, Pink White
Cry, Pink White
Cry, Pink White

Like a needle in the pinball machine
you don’t know what you got till it’s gone
If you’re the only one to hold me in your arms
Baby please don’t make me cry

Say it with me now

Cry, Pink White
Cry, Pink White
Cry, Pink White

My Cherry Blossom Heart

:: 07.27.2022 ::

The Deepest River of Love

Don’t want to leave. I can feel you so close to the right side of my soul.

But I feel how you stole my vision, drove me from myself so you can fill
your meaningless world. our only child | i forgot how love felt when i became devoured by horror with a hand, a soul. i got you to agree.

~~ she went into the front door

~he sent me to a place i never knew

the skies were bleeding blood

~~ she left me alone to deal with our youngest child

~~ i now wander alone.

Within the darkness and my soul.

Drowning inside my strong will and I can’t break free.

The deepest river of love ~~~ is good enough for me.

:: 07.11.2022 ::